6 de Oplossingsgericht congres
'Solution focused'
25 en 26 september 2025
Inschrijven kan door een mailtje te sturen naar chris@centrumoplossingsgerichtcoachen.be
Familiarity with the basic concepts of solution-oriented psychology is highly recommended. Consider acquainting yourself with Chris van Dam's book 'The Solution-Focused Coach' or taking part in an evening lecture about the topic at Centrum Oplossingsgericht Coachen
Donderdag 25 september 2025
Coaching children and teenagers to overcome psychological challenges with solution-focused psychology
9h30-10h: coffee and welcome
10h-12h: part 1
12h-13h: lunch sandwich
13h-14h30: part 2
14h30-15h: coffee
15h-16h30: part 3
Dr Ben Furman, a Finnish psychiatrist, internationally renowned teacher of solution-focused counselling and the developer of the Kds'Skills method will present to you a box of tools for coaching children and adolescents to overcome difficulties by developing skills. You will learn how to convert challenges into skills that children can learn and how to motivate them to acquire those skills.
This lecture is targeted to all people who work with children, or young people, as well as to parents and grandparents interested in developing their parenting skills and wanting to be inspired and refreshed by creative applications of solution-focused psychology.
Vrijdag 26 september 2025
ReTeaming and Saamenwerken: Solution-focused coaching of individuals and teams
9h - 9h30: coffee and welcome
9h30-11h: part 1
11h-11h30: coffee
11h30-12h45: part 2
12h45-13h45: lunch sandwich
13h45-15h45: part 3
This workshop is based on self-experience and 'learning by doing'. You will leave with a first-hand experience of the power of carefully drafted solution-focused questions that can be used not only with individuals but also teams and even entire organisations.
As a special gift, each participant will obtain a copy of the book "Saamenwerken", a handbook consisting of exercises for teaching teams solution-focused collaboration and communication skills.
Dr. Ben Furman
Kostprijs? Hoe inschrijven?
Stuur een mailtje naar chris@centrumoplossingsgerichtcoachen.be met jouw correcte facturatiegegevens (naam organisatie, adres én BTW-nummer) en uiteraard jouw naam (m.a.w. de persoon die deelneemt aan het congres).
We behouden het inschrijvingsgeld van 2023, m.a.w. opnieuw geen prijsstijging.
De kostprijs voor één congresdag bedraagt 165 euro (excl. BTW).
De kostprijs voor donderdag en vrijdag bedraagt 264,5 euro (excl. BTW).
Baron Ruzettelaan 435
Brugge / 8310 Assebroek
Woord van dank
Als organisator wil ik alvast alle sprekers en het team vrijwilligers bedanken voor hun engagement want zonder hen was dit congres niet mogelijk.
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